Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Plato's theory of justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Plato's theory of justice - Essay Example At this point, Plato analyzed the different theories done by different philosophers and gave his own definition pertaining justice since he felt that justice needs a lot of interest and dedication. Plato defined justice from two main point of view: One being, justice from an individual point of view is that it is a ‘human virtue’ responsible for making someone self-reliable and of high quality1. Plato handles justice with seriousness, when he ends up using ‘Dikaisyne’, meaning justice, morality or even righteousness in Greek. Morals mold the responsibilities of man, and the term monitors the whole behavior of man whenever another human being is concerned. Plato asserts that justice is the excellence of the soul, where man alienates unreasonable longing to explore on the pleasures of the world and satisfaction of self-interest pleasure from anything they handle and are comfortable with their way of life. Plato, Unhappy with the ongoing destruction of democrac y in Athens, decided to write about it. He adopted Sophistic education of ethics which ended up with too much individualism stirring to attack the State Office selfishly up Athenians. They ended up separating Athens into two antagonistic camps of the haves and the have-nots, tyrants and the exploited2. Later on, Plato felt that the nonprofessional ship, annoying nature and too much selfishness ought to be addressed. Plato addressed the matter by using a principled society with a perfect justice system to attack, since the research he had done showed that justice is the best medicine in an evil society. Hence, it is paramount that the society questions the shape of insinuated by Plato as an important principle of an organized society. Notably, many philosophers have handled different justice theories were common. The answers to questions pertaining justice starts from the unsophisticated to the complicated elucidation. Therefore, it is paramount that the analysts ask why Plato disreg arded some justice concepts3. Cephalus, a diplomat of traditional integrity of the early trading category, founded the traditional theory of justice. In his view, justice entails honesty and reassures payments of debts to the people one owes. This is the reason Cephalus equates justice with the right behavior. Polemarchus supports Cephalus view concerning justice but alters some information. Polemarchus views justice as extending what one feel proper to one own self. This could be interpreted to mean that justice is pleasing friends while injuring the interests of enemies. The Greek traditional saying also adheres to the theory4. While Cephalus and Polemarchus to support the view, on the other hand, Plato is criticizing the view. According to Plato, Cephalus view was limited, as in a case where the formula infringes the will of right; his method does not accommodate proper acceptable opinion of life. It is wrong to bring the deadly arms to a mad man. Polemarchus was criticized by Pl ato, arguing that it is easier said that done. For example, if one is a friend in an outward manner, and the enemy in truth. How wills one go about the problem? Is there a possibility to do him right as per the definition or act according to the real feelings and administer evil, yet this was contrary to moral requirements. The notion of justice only worked on the relationships between individuals and neglected the rest of society5 . Thrasymachus, on the other han

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Each student will provide the class with an overview of the marketing Term Paper

Each student will provide the class with an overview of the marketing strategies used by two companies competing for the same cu - Term Paper Example P&G’s marketing strategy is to develop distribution channels at the local level, and has correspondingly organized its market development units according to its regional markets. It also aims to develop new product brands and enhance its current brand portfolio. Its core competencies include innovation, brand-building, go-to-market capabilities, scale, and consumer understanding. Among the company’s strengths are its strong R&D focus, market leadership, product portfolio diversification, and strong cash position. However, it has experienced increasing incidences of product recalls, high product prices that have caused a decline in sales volume, and a loss in market share. The company expects to recover, however, by widening its customer base and increasing its worldwide market share by advancing more aggressively into emerging markets. It will realize this goal through three initiatives, namely integration, simplification, and digitization. Eventually, it expects to res ume its former positive market growth. Unilever is a global leader in the manufacture and distribution of fast moving consumer goods. Its portfolio includes some of the best known brands in the world, in foods, home care, and personal care. The company’s forerunner was founded in the late 19th century by William Hesketh Lever, but assumed the name Unilever in 1930 when it merged with other consumer goods companies that had likewise been in existence before the turn of the century. It turned global in the sixties, and attained market leadership in the eighties which it maintains to the present. The firm has manufacturing facilities worldwide, and serves a broad cross-section of the market since its products target customers of all walks of life. Among its core competencies are the ability to conceptualize products, its global logistics network, its scientific research in nutrition, and the ability to communicate and influence public behaviour. Its strengths include a strong br and portfolio, diversified revenue streams, and strong focus on R&D and sustainability. It has a problem, however, in maintaining its sales and profitability performance which have constantly declined in the three years covering 2007 to 2009, indicating that it has a particular vulnerability to the current economic recession. This is attributed to intense competition, rising inflation and reduced consumer demand. The company foresees opportunities for growth in emerging markets and chances to enhance its product portfolio by making some select acquisitions. The firm intends to divest some of its non-core business activities and concentrate on its principal product lines. In the immediate future, it aims to double the size of its business while reducing its impact on the